Internal Workshop 26/2/2020

The first internal workshop for Social Engagement was held on 26/2/2020 from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm with the guidance of Dr. Puah Suat Moi and her postgraduate students. This workshop was done to ensure all of the students were well-prepared for the visit and to ensure that the event will run smoothly with as little errors as possible. It has been a long day for the students and Dr Puah but everyone was still motivated and energetic to get things going!

The workshop started with the briefing for the first school visit, which was the visit to SMK Sri Aman. The students are then separated into their respective groups to do a test run of the experiments that would be conducted with the students on the event day.

The experiments that will be done that day included:
  • Extracting DNA from cheek cells
  • Extracting DNA from fruits

After the students fully understood the procedures of the experiments and the reasonings for why each step was done, it was then followed by dividing the tasks between the group members to make sure everyone know their job prospects and to avoid confusion during the day itself. 


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