Internal workshop 29/2/2020

        The second internal workshop is held on 29 February 2020 at the seminar room of Biomedical Science Department. The second year students gathered at 9.00 am where we started with our module involving DNA fingerprinting. It begun with a short briefing from our coordinator for this course, Dr Puah before we worked hands-on to learn about the module. Dr Kee was also present to help us with the module. We were given materials where we had to solve a case of cheese theft. This is a classic example of DNA fingerprinting in forensics. It involves activities of PCR and gel electrophoresis. The first activity involve the cutting of DNA molecules at specific nucleotide sequence and pasting them on a mahjung paper provided. For our second activity, to visualise results of PCR, we drew a table and pasted the fragments of sequence according to its size (base pair). From the activity we did, we managed to understand the module better and will be able to teach it better to the students of SMK (P) Sri Aman.

Briefing from Dr Puah before starting the activity

Final product from the activity shows how gel electrophoresis will look like.

        On the other hand, for the first year Biomedical Science students, it was their first internal workshop where they worked on two modules- DNA extraction and DNA fingerprinting. It was the same module as the DNA extraction module done by the second years during the last internal workshop on 26 February. They worked on the activities with Dr Puah, Dr Kee and also some of the second year students, where they learnt everything necessary to share their knowledge with students of SMK Lembah Subang. We ended the internal workshop on 1.30 pm.

Working on DNA extraction in another seminar room.


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