Nurul Syafiqahizzati Bt Ab Khalim (MIC180038)

Reflective Writing 
Nurul Syafiqahizzati Bt Ab Khalim (MIC180038) Date : 22nd March 2020 
Knowledge is a strong source for one’s wisdom. The privilege of having books and having 
someone to teach us about science, technology, medicines or anything is undeniably a great 
fortune. We should be thankful for having the opportunity to further our study in university. 
Thus, it is our time to share this great knowledge about DNA Extraction with students from 
SMK (P) Seri Aman. We have an internal workshop on 26th February to prepare ourselves 
before the event on Friday. We have so much fun as our teammates cooperates well during the 
It was a super-hot afternoon on 28th of February 2020 when we arrived at the school. The hall 
was empty, so it is the best time to set up before our programme start at 1 P.M. I realised that 
if the school does not have a great facilities to aid their students process of learning like library 
or laboratory, the experienced of learning new things will be lacking. Fortunately, SMK Sri 
Aman has the best facilities for their students. We absorb new knowledge better with a hands 
on activities as our cognitive and memory engines are working together. We started off our 
programme with a brief theory about DNA. As I was explaining it to the 40 students, I can see 
some of them are taking notes diligently without being asked. I think this habit has been 
nurtured by their teachers perfectly. I smiled while explaining the details of DNA and at times, 
I asked them questions to get them involved. 
Our activity continued with a hands on activities in the laboratory where the students were 
going to make their own DNA Extraction. In this session, they will be taking DNA from their 
cheek cells and from fruits. Each of us has been assigned to become facilitators for seven 
groups. We were going to explain things while doing the demonstration, then the students will 
follow. I noticed the students’ concentration were so much better compared to theory 
explanation session. Their eyes dilated and shined with interest while laughing at some jokes 
we made. A wave of realization comes into my mind. I always feel sleepy during lecture in the 
morning but not during practical even though the practical occur at 2 P.M. until 5 P.M. The 
university students are so lucky to have many hands on activities that help to strengthen their 
understanding in new topics. We really should not be complaining about practical as 
experienced is the best teacher. 
Our final activity is the quiz session. The prize for each correct answer was displayed in front 
of the students. I can see their eagerness to win the prize as most of them raised their hands as 
fast as they can to answer the quiz. Gifts are like a reward for our hard work. The feeling of 
happiness that crept in our chest after receiving the prize is overwhelming. Nevertheless, the 
devastating feeling of not being the chosen one; to receive the award or dos not get a chance to 
answer the quiz, is always hurtful. However, we should never give up. One student keep on 
raising her hand and finally she got the chance to answer the quiz but it was wrong. Anyway, 
I really adored her determination to answer the question. One thing I understand through this 
session is, maybe it is not our time yet to shine. We have long way to go before we can bloom 
Our programme ended around 4.30 P.M. We gather around for one last photo session and went 
home. It was indeed a tiring day but we learned so much, from managing our time to managing 
our emotions. Farewell SMK (P) Seri Aman and remember, knowledge is a key for a better 

(625 words) 


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