Nurul Qistina Izzati binti Mohamad Yusof (MIC180036)

Reflective Essay
Nurul Qistina Izzati binti Mohamad Yusof (MIC180036) 10th April 2020

The word happiness is too vague to define. Happiness comes in many forms such as receiving presents, spending holiday with friends and even the smallest thing like seeing people smile can make you happy. For me, I always feel happy whenever I am spending my time with my loved ones, including my friends. Not just that, being able to share my experiences and knowledge with people around me also makes me feel grateful and happy. I feel very delighted because I was given the opportunity to join a project under Social Engagement subject which is included in one of the university courses in University Malaya. Through this project, I was able to share a little bit of my knowledge regarding microbiology and DNA with some students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (P) Sri Aman. It was a success project, thanks to our coordinator, Dr. Puah Suat Moi who is always available to guide us despite the circumstances due to Covid-19. The project ran smoothly even though there was a little bit of a change of plan and it all thanks to her full support in helping us with this project.

Firstly, at the end of Semester 1 2019/2020, all second year students were given a brief introduction about Social Engagement subject by Dr. Puah. We were given a rough idea on how the project will be done in Semester 2 2019//2020. This early briefing helped us to prepare ourselves on how to conduct the project smoothly. In early Semester 2 2019/2020, Dr. Puah had given us our second briefing to recall about the project. In this briefing, Dr. Puah showed us examples of previous batches to help us for getting more ideas on how to conduct this project effectively. Then, we were divided into two groups of second year students. Another two groups were formed consisting of first year Biomedical Science students. The groups formed were supposed to visit different schools but due to the sudden outbreak of Covid-19, the original plan was halted. To ensure our safety, both groups of second year were combined into one group and were sent to SMK (P) Sri Aman for two sharing sessions. The first session is about DNA extraction and the second session is about PCR and electrophoresis. 

On 26 February 2020, we had our first internal workshop regarding the first session which is about the DNA extraction from cheek cells and fruits. This first internal workshop took place in the seminar room after classes which was after 5 p.m. During the internal workshop, we were doing hands-on experiments on how to extract DNA from our cheek cells and fruit. All materials and apparatus were prepared by Dr. Puah and we were guided by some postgraduate students during the experiment. We had a very fun time together as the experiment was very fun to do. Throughout the experiments, we gained better understanding about the process of DNA extraction since the postgraduate students further explained whenever we asked them questions regarding the experiments. This is important for us to have a better understanding about DNA extraction because we have to prepare to be able to answer whatever questions from the students of SMK (P) Sri Aman. 

On Friday, 28 February 2020, at 12 p.m., we headed to SMK (P) Sri Aman and arrived around 12.40 p.m. We headed straight into the hall getting prepared before we started our first session. When the students arrived, we firstly started with some sharing session about the information regarding DNA. For the first sharing session, Rajwa and Syafiqah Izzati were explaining the students about what we are going to do for the experiment and gave a brief introduction about the DNA. During the briefing session, the students seem to jot down many information based on the presentation that was presented. After that, the students were given a short break for Muslims to carry out their prayers before heading to the lab. In the lab, the students were divided into smaller groups to ensure all of them have a better experience and better guidance during the experiment session. Each group was guided by the members of second year students and led by Amir Hamzah and Anne. In each group, the students were taught by the second year members on how to extract DNA just by using simple materials which is just using the household materials. While doing the experiment, we also explained to them the precautions and the purpose of every step taken during the DNA extraction process. All of them seemed very excited during the experiment and shocked when they were able to extract and see their very own DNA from cheek cells. Some of them were not from science stream and they were able to get along and understood each step that they learnt. This proves that everyone can learn something new to them and they can learn it in a fun and easy way. They seemed genuinely happy with the big smile on their faces. It makes me happy too because I was able to share new knowledge with them and they loved it.

After the experiment, we finished with some quizzes before closing. Students who can answer the question correctly will be given a prize as a reward. I can clearly see the excitement in each of them as they were so eager to answer every question that was provided. We managed to control the situation as they seemed to be so active to get the prizes. Quiz session ended and the students were given feedback forms. We received many positive feedbacks and some of them wanted us to come again so that they can do other fun activities with us. This makes us so glad that we successfully conducted the activities. Then, Dr. Puah and Dr. Chai received some appreciation gifts from the school for the closing. Before we headed back, we quickly gathered and Dr. Puah gave some speech about the next session. Then, we took some photos together before the end of the day. I felt tired but it was worth the sweats as I can feel the enjoyment throughout the activities with the students of SMK (P) Sri Aman.

On Saturday, 29 February 2020, at 9 a.m., we had our briefing regarding the second session that will be conducted on 27 March 2020. The second session was about the PCR and electrophoresis. Again, Dr. Puah guided us throughout the activities but this time, we got a special help from Dr. Kee. We worked very well in groups and the activities were done smoothly. In this session, we learnt about the usage of fingerprinting in forensic studies. We learnt visually on how the enzymes identified and cut the DNA sequences. After that, we also learnt on how the gel electrophoresis was used to separate the DNA according to its sizes. All of the information that we learnt is going to be used for us to conduct the second session in SMK (P) Sri Aman. However, due to the quick spread and increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia, the Movement Control Order (MCO) was announced by The Prime Minister on 16 March 2020, so we were unable to continue this project in SMK (P) Sri Aman. 

Finally, although the second session was cancelled, I did not regret that I joined this project as it gives me many beautiful memories with my friends, lecturers and also with the students from SMK (P) Sri Aman. From this project, I could express my skills in teaching other people and boosted my confidence in doing anything that I love. I believe that this project helps me in gaining my courage and confidence when talking to someone either in a formal or informal way. I am also happy to be able to share with the community through Social Engagement as before this I was too focused on studying and this makes me realise how important for us to balance our life between studying and socializing with the people around us. (1333 words)


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