Low Hui En (MIC 190021)

Reflective Writing
Low Hui En (MIC 190021)                                                                               Date: 12 April 2020
         Before our first semester ended, our instructor, Dr Puah gave us a briefing about Social Engagement course. After the briefing, I knew that social engagement is a subject to enhance and exchange knowledge, skills and expertise in a collaborative manner between the university and society. I was looking forward to joining the volunteering activity. Our Social Engagement project is to facilitate “microbes and hygiene” workshop to students at SMK Sri Pantai. During our semester break, Dr Puah kept in touch with us through email and let us knew more about what we should do. Our group which is year 1 group 2 was assigned to prepare quizzes, survey questions and presentation slides about introduction of DNA,

         On 13 March 2020, I had attended an internal workshop. Dr Puah prepared some activities to teach us how to facilitate workshop to the students at SMK Sri Pantai. During the workshop, we learned how to fold a foldscope. We were divided into two people in one group. We followed tutorial video to complete the foldscope. The foldscope is made from folded paper and lens. My teammates and I enjoyed interacting with the foldscope. It was really amazing that we can observe microorganism on slide through foldscope. I really like the design. The foldscope is small but it is powerful with lens that provides forty times magnification. I was imagining how happy the students of SMK Sri Pantai were after they complete the foldscope and observe the slide through the foldscope.

         Next, we were divided into three groups to make balloon model of bacteria. We blew three different shape of balloons to represent three shapes of bacteria which are cocci, bacilli and spirilla. This activity was fun and provides hands-on way of learning. It is suitable for secondary school students to discover more about the basic shape and structure of different bacteria through this balloon modelling activity. This activity also introduced the concept of bacteria as a disease-causing organism. The next activity was sneezing zone. We used one layer of tissue paper, two layers of tissue papers and gloves to observe how far the fruit dye will be sprayed. The result showed that it is important to cover our mouth with tissue paper when sneezing to prevent the spread of infectious bacteria. Before the internal workshop ended, we did an experiment. This small experiment lets us know that shaking hands could spread certain bacterial viruses. After shaking hands, hands should be washed to remove bacteria.

         After the internal workshop, I was quite worried that this event would be cancelled due to the threat of COVID-19. Unfortunately, everything did not go according to the way we planned. The spread of COVID-19 has led to cancellation of our field work because it is not encouraged to have many people gather together. We are not as lucky as group 1 because they are able to complete their work field smoothly. We have no chance to share our knowledge about microbes and hygiene to students of SMK Sri Pantai. However, we used alternative methods to replace the field work. We prepared a video about proper handwashing, infographic poster and questionnaire.

         Four of my teammates and I were assigned to prepare a handwashing video. By producing the handwashing video, I had learned the proper way to wash hands. Handwashing has 7 simple and effective steps. Firstly, wet your hands with clean water and apply enough soap. Next, rub your palms together and rub back of hands. Then, rub both hands while interlocking fingers. The next step is to rub the backs and tips of finger. Before rinsing with water, rub thumbs and end of wrists. Rinse both hands properly with water. Finally, dry with a clean towel or disposable tissue paper. I hope that this video will raise awareness among school community about the importance of hand washing. The best way to prevent infection and spread of germs is by practicing good hand hygiene and washing hands with soap, water or hand sanitizer regularly. Hand washing is important especially after we have been to a public place, or after coughing, blowing nose, or sneezing.

        I hope people can know more about COVID-19 through the poster which includes the symptoms of infection, transmission method of the virus and the ways to prevent corona virus infection. We have to be a good resident in our community to protect ourselves and the people around us. Preventative measures are our first line of defence. We should stay at home and avoid gathering. We should maintain social distancing, which is at least 1 metre distance between ourselves and other people. Other than that, we should wear mask when we are sick because if we do not wear mask, the viruses can spread to those around us and infect them.

         Even though we cannot conduct our field work as we originally planned, I still want to thank my teammates for their dedication and cooperation to make the handwashing video, poster and questionnaire. I am glad that we can use our video and poster to raise awareness among the community. I also want to thank Dr Puah for helping us a lot. Thanks to Social Engagement course, we learned to be more concern about our society. I believe that even a simple action can change our society. In the end, I hope that COVID-19 can be controlled and everyone stays healthy.

(895 words)


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