Muhammad Alieff Isqandar Bin Jefnee (MIC190025)

Reflective Writing

Muhammad Alieff Isqandar Bin Jefnee (MIC190025)                                                         19 March 2020

Not everyone knows what we know. They do not have the capability to learn about what others learn. On the first day when I came to SMK Lembah Subang, I thought we were going to do this fieldwork with the science-stream students since we were doing science-related modules. Then when I asked the class teacher, Puan Elliana, she said that all of them are art-stream students. I was amazed. I was asking myself; Are they interested in this workshop? Are they going to enjoy those experiment? Do they know what DNA is? Before we started the presentation about ‘The Secret of Life: DNA’, I saw only few students jot the points down. So, I asked them why were they do not write anything? They said that they do not understand what the facilitators are talking about. Then I try to explain briefly to the students in my group. At least they have an idea what DNA is. Some of them do not know what nucleus is or where do we find DNA. I felt pity but at the same time it was a struggle to explain to them about DNA.

During the hands-on session for module 3 (The Secret of Life: DNA), it was really fun! The students enjoy extracting their own DNA. All of them succeed to extract their own DNA. When I asked what was the function of salt, alcohol and soap it took a while for them to answer but they managed to answer it correctly. I was so proud that they actually know what they were doing. For the fruit DNA part, one of the students in my group volunteered to smash the fruit because he said he was the strongest in class. We burst in laughing since he was just a small guy. They also succeed to extract the fruit’s DNA. They were so happy doing the hands-on until I wondered when was the last time they did experiments in school? I felt grateful that our session with them give them exposure to these science experiments. On the other day for module 4 (DNA Fingerprint Lab), it was really hard because they obviously do not understand the topic. It was also hard for me to explain to them about PCR and gel electrophoresis. Luckily, they managed to do the hands-on and find the culprit who ate the cheese.

Honestly, I understand that they are not science-stream students but looking at their smiling faces while doing the hands-on and answering the quizzes makes me felt happy and satisfy for what we did. Being there as a facilitator made me realize that not all kids get the same knowledge. The students even do not know the fundamental things in biology. Thanks to Social Engagement course, we, Biomedical Science students have the opportunity to share our knowledge about what we have learned to some of the Form 4 students of SMK Lembah Subang. Also, I definitely going to miss doing this fieldwork with my batchmates and the students.
(500 words)


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