Sheivanya Gayatrri Kuppusamy (MIC190061)

GIG 1005
Reflective writing

Sheivanya Gayatrri Kuppusamy (MIC190061)                                                     22 April 2020
      As students, our lives tend to revolve around books, assignments, college projects and exams. We prioritize too much of our academics that we end up losing out on everything that is capable of giving us a life changing experience. When I learned that we had to work with a group of secondary students, I was not too keen on the idea as I felt like I tend to be awkward around new people, but I still kept an open mind and decided to give it a go.

      My experience at the internal workshop held on the 13th of March, has helped enlightened myself on how easily a contagious virus can spread if we do not take necessary precautions. The workshop aimed to increase awareness among secondary school students regarding microbiology and also how personal sanitation can go a long way in curbing infectious illnesses. We were briefed by our lecturer, Dr Puah on the topics and areas that needed to be presented to the students. We also prepared some activities to be carried out at the respective schools. For example, using ultraviolet powder to determine the effectiveness of washing hands with soap, pure water and using hand sanitizers, measuring the length particles travel with and without masks using a spray bottle filled with dye to imitate a sneeze. Some materials such as balloons and strings were also prepared to demonstrate the structure of the bacteria. Furthermore, we worked in pairs to determine how and time estimated to assemble a ‘Foldscope’ which functions as a mini, portable microscope used to view bacteria around us.

       Due to unavoidable circumstances that we are facing due to the corona virus pandemic, we had to come up with alternatives to carry out the engagement that was supposed to be held with the students of SMK Sri Pantai. Hence, it was suggested by our lecturer, that we should take advantage of the internet as a platform to deliver knowledge. Thus preparing a video presentation, an online survey and an info-graphic for a blog would aid in raising awareness not only to the school community but to netizens of all ages. Our team decided to disseminate the workload in order to get the tasks done efficiently. The survey helped us understand to which extent is the public aware of their knowledge when it came to hand-washing. The video presentation was prepared in such a way that an audience of a wide range would be able to understand. Everyone cooperating made our tasks easier and time efficient.

        We humans tend to take things in life for granted that we sometimes require eye-opening experiences to be grateful for all that we have. With the current pandemic taking over the world, causing hundreds of thousands of death and affecting millions all around the globe, an action as simple as washing hands is good enough to reduce the risk of spreading the highly contagious virus but due to a lack of awareness, the higher officials needed to take extreme actions such as a nationwide lockdown to mitigate the situation. From this, we need to be responsible citizens by taking necessary measures in the future if we were to face it again.

        Being given a chance to have this experience is invaluable, although it is saddening to know that we will not be able to visit the pupils to deliver knowledge and see them have just as much fun as my teammates and I had during the workshop while we were carrying out the activities. Many may not have even taken up Social Engagement as a course if they were given a choice, but after gaining so much from this course, I would definitely recommend this course. I am grateful for I have not only gained knowledge but also developed my friendship with my batch mates.

(634 words)


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