Yeoh Che Sian (MIC 190055)

Reflective Writing
Introduction of Microbiology and Proper Way of Handwashing
Yeoh Che Sian (MIC 190055)                                                                Date:22 March 2020
       Social Engagement gave me a lot, more than I expected. Not only the skills on creating and modifying video, but also the skill of communication. Working together as a team really brought a lot of fun. Although we have many different ideas emerged, we managed to come to a single idea after discussion. There is where I can learn. Learn to accept others idea, think of its good side and start working on it. I appreciated the times we spent together on this meaningful activity. Looking forward for the second time.

       On 13 March 2020, my teammates and I had four hours sessions of internal workshop to let us to expose on what we have to bring to the students of SMK Sri Pantai. The workshop is about the introduction of microbiology and proper way of handwashing. We start with introduction of various shape of microbes. We mimicked the shaped of microbes using balloons. I think it is a good method of teaching especially on students. Next, we learnt about Foldscope. It is a good and convenient way to let students expose on microscope and microscopy. Then, we done an experiment about handwashing and the effectiveness of wet tissue. After this then I know the power of transmission of microbes. We wrap up the workshop by an experiment on sneezing droplets transmittance. We tried various ways as barrier to avoid transmittance such as tissue and glove.

        However, due to the outbreak of Covid-19 recently, we forced to cancel our workshop at SMK Sri Pantai. We found that it’s such a shame as we can’t conduct the sharing workshop to our beloved students. We thought of some alternative ways to carry out what we prepared. Finally, we decided to share our contents via blog. We have uploaded infographic and video about hygiene and proper handwashing method to raise the social awareness especially among school communities. We also made an online survey about hygiene to collect data for statistical analysis.

       I am a part in video making. Working together with them make a lot of fun. I have learnt a lot from them. Although we can’t have our face-to-face discussion on our video making, we manage to make it well and delivered our messages to community through the video. The video is about the proper steps of hand washing. We added a fun method associated with the hand washing, “Happy Birthday” song. That’s very helpful for me as I can maintain my hand washing duration in around 30 seconds.

        Not only the technique of making video I learnt, I also realized the proper way of hand washing to keep hands clean especially during the outbreak of pandemic Covid -19. During the Movement Control Operation, I expect nothing less for our outcome. I am sure that we will get great response. Finally, I would like to thank my teammates for giving full cooperation during preparation work and my lecture, Dr Puah for giving such a good opportunity for me to learnt much in what I haven’t get in touch before. Although we have to cancel our workshop at SMK Sri Pantai, I feel really happy and satisfied for our work. Lastly, thanks Social Engagement course, I have learnt a lot from it.


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